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©2012 Wilcox-Slidders, Inc.

3M Co. and Wilcox-Slidders, Inc. create a comprehensive environment for the development of new products and the streamlining of current manufacturing processes.

This will adds speed and strength to the Bonding, Sealing, Cleanup or surface preparation processes.

3M Co. has a full line of Occupational Safety Products to protect you from the hazardous environment of the workplace.

"A total of 2,591 work-related respiratory illnesses with days away from work (2.4 per 100,000 workers) occurred in private workplaces in 2000. The highest total for days away from work due to respiratory illnesses was in the manufacturing sector." (source: American Lung Association® )








Wilcox-Slidders, Inc. 18 Passaic Ave. Fairfield NJ 07004 • 973-575-8600 • Fax: 973-575-7329

Contact E-Mail: Sales@wilcox-slidders.com

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